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  • Stateless Persons
  • Nationality
  • Children
  • Discrimination
  • Implementing measures

Number of results found: 2342

Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 2nd


108.115 Intensify its awareness-raising campaigns on the situation of disabled children, and support the efforts of civil society to improve rehabilitation and reintegration of children with disabilities and effectively implement the existing legislation on birth registration. 

108.115 Intensify its awareness-raising campaigns on the situation of disabled children, and support the efforts of civil society to improve rehabilitation and reintegration of children with disabilities and effectively implement the existing legislation on birth registration. 

Recommending State: Hungary

Recommendation Accepted

Birth registration
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 2nd


108.29 Make effective the legislation that provides free birth registration, for example through mass awareness-raising campaigns. 

108.29 Make effective the legislation that provides free birth registration, for example through mass awareness-raising campaigns. 

Recommending State: Mexico

Recommendation Accepted

Birth registration
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 2nd


108.55 Take measures to guarantee full protection of children’s human rights by eliminating and reducing child trafficking, violence against children, their sexual abuse and economic exploitation, their ritual killing, infanticide and child labour and by improving the birth registration of...

108.55 Take measures to guarantee full protection of children’s human rights by eliminating and reducing child trafficking, violence against children, their sexual abuse and economic exploitation, their ritual killing, infanticide and child labour and by improving the birth registration of all children especially in rural areas. 

Recommending State: Holy See

Recommendation Accepted

Birth registration
Committee against Torture (CAT)


21. (...) The State party should:  (...) (c) Set up an effective system for the compilation of data on the status of refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons present in its territory; (d) Ratify the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness and consider the possibility of...

21. (...) The State party should: 


(c) Set up an effective system for the compilation of data on the status of refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons present in its territory;

(d) Ratify the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness and consider the possibility of withdrawing its reservations to articles 17, 26, 31, paragraph 2, and 32 of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and to articles 17, 31 and 32 of the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons.

International Instruments Data Collection/Monitoring/Reporting
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR)


19. (...) The Committee urges the State party to simplify birth registration procedures so as to take account of the constraints faced by the population, such as geographical barriers and the difficulty in obtaining or producing official documents, including in respect to children born out...

19. (...) The Committee urges the State party to simplify birth registration procedures so as to take account of the constraints faced by the population, such as geographical barriers and the difficulty in obtaining or producing official documents, including in respect to children born out of wedlock. The Committee also calls on the State party to facilitate birth registration by allowing late registration without fines as well as through the health-care system and by coupling regular vaccination campaigns with campaigns for birth registration.

Birth registration
Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)


36. The Committee urges the State party to continue and strengthen, as a matter of priority, its efforts to establish a system ensuring the registration of all children born within its territory and that registration is free of charge. The Committee also urges the State party to take...

36. The Committee urges the State party to continue and strengthen, as a matter of priority, its efforts to establish a system ensuring the registration of all children born within its territory and that registration is free of charge. The Committee also urges the State party to take proactive measures targeting categories of children whose birth registration remains problematic. The State should also urgently issue clear instructions to all schools throughout the territory that all children, irrespective of their registration status, should be enrolled into public schools and that failure to enroll these children might lead to administrative sanctions.

Birth registration
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 2nd


123.5. Ratify the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.

123.5. Ratify the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.

Recommending State: Slovakia

Recommendation Noted

International Instruments
Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)


41. The Committee recommends that the State party review the provisions of the amendment to the Citizenship Act that are not in line with the Convention with a view to removing restrictions on acquiring Canadian citizenship for children born abroad to Canadian parents. The Committee also...

41. The Committee recommends that the State party review the provisions of the amendment to the Citizenship Act that are not in line with the Convention with a view to removing restrictions on acquiring Canadian citizenship for children born abroad to Canadian parents. The Committee also urges the State party to consider ratifying the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons.

Access to nationality/Naturalization Born abroad International Instruments Legislative/Judicial/Administrative action
Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)


44. (...) The Committee recommends that the State party accede to the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.

44. (...) The Committee recommends that the State party accede to the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.

International Instruments
Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)

Bosnia and Herzegovina

36. The Committee urges the State party to take immediate and concrete steps to implement the Zagreb Declaration, including by reviewing its birth registration process in detail to ensure that all children born in its territory are registered at birth, and that no child is disadvantaged due...

36. The Committee urges the State party to take immediate and concrete steps to implement the Zagreb Declaration, including by reviewing its birth registration process in detail to ensure that all children born in its territory are registered at birth, and that no child is disadvantaged due to procedural barriers to registration. In this context, the Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Consider increasing the number of birth registration offices in rural and outlying areas;
(b) Issue birth certificates free of charge;
(c) Provide special support to facilitate birth registration for illiterate persons or persons without documentation;
(d) Issue birth certificates for all children born in its territory, regardless of the immigration status of the child or his/her parents;
(e) Raise awareness, especially among the Roma population, of the importance of birth registration

Birth registration