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  • Stateless Persons
  • Nationality
  • Children
  • Discrimination
  • Implementing measures

Number of results found: 39

Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 4th


124.170 Repeal all discriminatory provisions against women in legislation, including on the freedom of movement and on the right to transmit nationality, to divorce and to inherit, in order to ensure gender equality.

124.170 Repeal all discriminatory provisions against women in legislation, including on the freedom of movement and on the right to transmit nationality, to divorce and to inherit, in order to ensure gender equality.

Recommending State: Belgium

Gender Legislative/Judicial/Administrative action
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 4th


124.244 Put in place and strengthen mechanisms combating and preventing discrimination against girls, children with disabilities, children born to foreign or stateless fathers and all the vulnerable children from minority groups to avoid marginalization.

124.244 Put in place and strengthen mechanisms combating and preventing discrimination against girls, children with disabilities, children born to foreign or stateless fathers and all the vulnerable children from minority groups to avoid marginalization.

Recommending State: Gambia

Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 4th


124.241 Implement all necessary legislative and administrative measures to allow Bahraini women married to foreigners to transfer their nationality to their children without restriction. 

124.241 Implement all necessary legislative and administrative measures to allow Bahraini women married to foreigners to transfer their nationality to their children without restriction. 

Recommending State: Uruguay

Gender Legislative/Judicial/Administrative action
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 4th


124.235 Amend the Citizenship Law prohibiting the passage of citizenship from a woman to her child.

124.235 Amend the Citizenship Law prohibiting the passage of citizenship from a woman to her child.

Recommending State: Sierra Leone

Gender Legislative/Judicial/Administrative action
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 4th


124.239 Amend the Citizenship Law and other relevant legislation to allow women to transfer Bahraini nationality to their children without restriction and on an equal basis with men.

124.239 Amend the Citizenship Law and other relevant legislation to allow women to transfer Bahraini nationality to their children without restriction and on an equal basis with men.

Recommending State: Canada

Gender Legislative/Judicial/Administrative action
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 4th


124.242 Provide legal guarantees to stateless persons to obtain Bahraini nationality, including through the adoption of laws that allow women to transmit nationality to their children.

124.242 Provide legal guarantees to stateless persons to obtain Bahraini nationality, including through the adoption of laws that allow women to transmit nationality to their children.

Recommending State: Costa Rica

Remedy/Reparation Gender Legislative/Judicial/Administrative action
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 4th


124.232 Enable women to transfer nationality to their children without restriction and on equal basis with men. 

124.232 Enable women to transfer nationality to their children without restriction and on equal basis with men. 

Recommending State: Lithuania

Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 4th


124.245 Recognize in law the right to education and guarantee free-of-charge and non-discriminatory access to primary and secondary education, including to girls, to children of migrant and domestic workers and to stateless children.

124.245 Recognize in law the right to education and guarantee free-of-charge and non-discriminatory access to primary and secondary education, including to girls, to children of migrant and domestic workers and to stateless children.

Recommending State: Portugal

Protection/Enjoyment of rights Legislative/Judicial/Administrative action
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 4th


124.243 Amend its legislation and adopt all necessary legal and practical measures to prevent and reduce the statelessness of citizens.

124.243 Amend its legislation and adopt all necessary legal and practical measures to prevent and reduce the statelessness of citizens.

Recommending State: Iran

Legislative/Judicial/Administrative action
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 4th


124.231 Promote further the development of children at all ages, with special attention given to children of migrant workers, stateless children and children of Bahraini women married to foreigners, by ensuring their access to primary and secondary education, health care and other necessary...

124.231 Promote further the development of children at all ages, with special attention given to children of migrant workers, stateless children and children of Bahraini women married to foreigners, by ensuring their access to primary and secondary education, health care and other necessary social services. 

Recommending State: Thailand

Protection/Enjoyment of rights