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  • Stateless Persons
  • Nationality
  • Children
  • Discrimination
  • Implementing measures

Number of results found: 2282

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)


31. The Committee calls upon the State party to review the 1982 citizenship law and repeal or amend it, as appropriate, in order to bring it fully into compliance with article 9 of the Convention. It also calls on the State party to provide more information on Myanmar citizenship rights,...

31. The Committee calls upon the State party to review the 1982 citizenship law and repeal or amend it, as appropriate, in order to bring it fully into compliance with article 9 of the Convention. It also calls on the State party to provide more information on Myanmar citizenship rights, including on birth certificates of children born in Myanmar, in particular children of ethnic groups, in its next periodic report.

33. The Committee urges the State party to grant citizenship to residents, in particular, on the basis of their long-standing ties to Myanmar, to the Muslims of northern Rakhine State and to allow them, in particular the women, the full enjoyment of their human rights. The State party is encouraged to continue to collaborate with the international community, especially the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in those efforts.

Remedy/Reparation Birth registration Gender Religion Data Collection/Monitoring/Reporting Legislative/Judicial/Administrative action Implementing measures - Other
Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)


32. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen and further develop institutional structures that are accessible and free in order to implement effective birth registration, e.g. by introducing mobile units, especially in rural and remote areas to ensure that all children born...

32. The Committee recommends that the State party strengthen and further develop institutional structures that are accessible and free in order to implement effective birth registration, e.g. by introducing mobile units, especially in rural and remote areas to ensure that all children born within the national territory are registered. The Committee furthermore recommends that the State party ensure that the lack of registration does not impose an impediment to school attendance. The Committee recommends that the State party seek technical assistance from UNICEF for the implementation of these recommendations.

34. The Committee urges that State party to:

(a) Take the necessary measures to ensure that no child is or risks being stateless, in accordance of article 7 of the Convention;

(b) Consider acceding to the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness;

63. The Committee recommends that the State party, in light of its obligations under articles 28, 2 and 30 of the Convention, provide education for all children within its jurisdiction, including for children of Nepalese ethnic origin, non-Bhutanese and stateless children.

64. The Committee notes information by the State party report indicating efforts to negotiate an agreement for Bhutanese refugees living in camps in Eastern Nepal (...)

65. The Committee recommends that the State party:

(b) Ensure the transparency of the procedure for the determination of the nationality of refugees, and based on the right to a nationality and the right to leave and return to one’s country, with due consideration of the best interests of the child;

Protection/Enjoyment of rights Remedy/Reparation (Forced) migration context Birth registration International Instruments
Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)


34. The Committee recommends that the State party continue and strengthen its efforts to encourage birth registration of all children, including children living in remote areas, children living on the street, children of refugees and other non-Djiboutian children. The Committee encourages...

34. The Committee recommends that the State party continue and strengthen its efforts to encourage birth registration of all children, including children living in remote areas, children living on the street, children of refugees and other non-Djiboutian children. The Committee encourages the State party to use mobile registration units to reach distant children and to provide for registration, including late registration, of births free of charge.


Birth registration
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)


18. (...) The Committee encourages the State party to adopt standards on integration for the naturalization process, in conformity with the Convention, and to take all effective and adequate measures to ensure that naturalization applications are not rejected on discriminatory grounds...

18. (...) The Committee encourages the State party to adopt standards on integration for the naturalization process, in conformity with the Convention, and to take all effective and adequate measures to ensure that naturalization applications are not rejected on discriminatory grounds throughout the territory of the State party.

Access to nationality/Naturalization
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)


20. (...) The Committee recommends that the State party facilitate acquisition of German citizenship by long-term residents and persons born in Germany in order to promote the integration of such residents as may wish to acquire German citizenship without relinquishing their own. 

20. (...) The Committee recommends that the State party facilitate acquisition of German citizenship by long-term residents and persons born in Germany in order to promote the integration of such residents as may wish to acquire German citizenship without relinquishing their own. 

Loss/Deprivation Access to nationality/Naturalization
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)


14. (...) The Committee recommends that the State party adopt a national plan of action that includes special measures for the promotion of access by Roma to employment, personal documents, residence registration, adequate housing with legal security of tenure, education and other economic,...

14. (...) The Committee recommends that the State party adopt a national plan of action that includes special measures for the promotion of access by Roma to employment, personal documents, residence registration, adequate housing with legal security of tenure, education and other economic, social and cultural rights, in accordance with general recommendation 27 (2000) on discrimination against Roma, and allocate sufficient resources for the effective implementation of that plan.

23. (...) The Committee recommends that the State party facilitate access to residence registration and Russian citizenship by all former Soviet citizens on the basis of a simplified procedure and irrespective of the ethnicity of applicants.

Access to nationality/Naturalization Nationality/Identity documentation Race/Ethnicity Legislative/Judicial/Administrative action
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)


15. The Committee urges the State party to respect the right to freedom of movement of refugees and asylum-seekers within the borders of the State party’s territory, as well as their right to identity documents, including by issuing official birth certificates to newborn children of asylum...

15. The Committee urges the State party to respect the right to freedom of movement of refugees and asylum-seekers within the borders of the State party’s territory, as well as their right to identity documents, including by issuing official birth certificates to newborn children of asylum-seekers and refugees.

Nationality/Identity documentation Birth registration
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)


24. While noting that the State party has adopted Law No. 2008-017, which authorizes the ratification of the Convention on the Nationality of Married Women and is aimed at rectifying the inequality of rights between women and men with respect to nationality, the Committee notes with concern...

24. While noting that the State party has adopted Law No. 2008-017, which authorizes the ratification of the Convention on the Nationality of Married Women and is aimed at rectifying the inequality of rights between women and men with respect to nationality, the Committee notes with concern that the Nationality Code does not comply with article 9 of the Convention in that it does not allow a Malagasy woman married to a foreigner to transmit her nationality to her husband or children on the same basis as a Malagasy man married to a foreigner.

25.The Committee urges the State party to amend the Nationality Code so as to bring it in line with article 9 of the Convention.


Gender Legislative/Judicial/Administrative action
Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)


28. The Committee recommends that the State party continue and strengthen its ongoing efforts to establish institutional structures, for example through the use of mobile registration centres, in order to ensure full birth registration throughout the country. The Committee recommends, in...

28. The Committee recommends that the State party continue and strengthen its ongoing efforts to establish institutional structures, for example through the use of mobile registration centres, in order to ensure full birth registration throughout the country. The Committee recommends, in addition, that information campaigns be used to inform the population of birth registration requirements.

Birth registration
Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)


33. The Committee reiterates its concern from the previous periodic review and urges the State party to strengthen and further develop measures to ensure that all children born within the national territory, including those of minorities and living in remote areas, are registered....

33. The Committee reiterates its concern from the previous periodic review and urges the State party to strengthen and further develop measures to ensure that all children born within the national territory, including those of minorities and living in remote areas, are registered. Furthermore, the Committee urges the State party to create institutional structures at all levels that are accessible and free in order to implement effective birth registration, e.g. by introducing mobile units, especially in rural and remote areas and internally displaced persons and refugee camps. The Committee recommends the State party to seek technical assistance from UNICEF for the implementation of these recommendations.

Birth registration