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  • Stateless Persons
  • Nationality
  • Children
  • Discrimination
  • Implementing measures

Number of results found: 2282

Committee against Torture (CAT)


19. (...) The Committee recommends that the State party introduce the definition of statelessness in its legislation, establish procedures and mechanisms for the determination of the status of statelessness and create a central database on stateless persons in its territory. In order to...

19. (...) The Committee recommends that the State party introduce the definition of statelessness in its legislation, establish procedures and mechanisms for the determination of the status of statelessness and create a central database on stateless persons in its territory. In order to avoid discrimination among different categories of stateless persons, the State party should review the provisions in the draft Citizenship Act relating to acquisition of nationality by children who would otherwise be stateless or who are born out of wedlock to foreign stateless mothers. In addition, the Committee recommends that stateless persons be provided with identification documents.

Lack of documents/Access to documentation Identification and determination procedures Gender Discrimination - Other Data Collection/Monitoring/Reporting Legislative/Judicial/Administrative action
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 2nd


90.98. Continue its efforts to assure birth registration of all children including the children of undocumented migrants. 

90.98. Continue its efforts to assure birth registration of all children including the children of undocumented migrants. 

Recommending State: Holy See

Recommendation Accepted

Birth registration
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 2nd


90.120. Pay more attention to solve the problem of birth registration of illegal migrants. 

90.120. Pay more attention to solve the problem of birth registration of illegal migrants. 

Recommending State: Iraq

Recommendation Accepted

Birth registration
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 2nd


138.131. Take the necessary measures to ensure birth registration on a universal basis, particularly for persons living in extreme poverty, belonging to religious minorities or in remote areas. 

138.131. Take the necessary measures to ensure birth registration on a universal basis, particularly for persons living in extreme poverty, belonging to religious minorities or in remote areas. 

Recommending State: Mexico

Recommendation Accepted

Birth registration
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 2nd


138.132. Ensure timely registration of all births. 

138.132. Ensure timely registration of all births. 

Recommending State: Holy See

Recommendation Accepted

Birth registration
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 2nd


138.25. Consider the recommendation made by UNHCR to ratifying the Conventions relating to refugees and stateless persons. 

138.25. Consider the recommendation made by UNHCR to ratifying the Conventions relating to refugees and stateless persons. 

Recommending State: Ghana

Recommendation Accepted

International Instruments
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 2nd


129.9. Ensure free and effective birth registration for all children. 

129.9. Ensure free and effective birth registration for all children. 

Recommending State: Portugal

Recommendation Accepted

Birth registration
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 2nd

South Africa

124.150. Carry out the necessary measures to eliminate the barriers that impede the birth registration of all persons born in South African territory, including migrants and refugees. 

124.150. Carry out the necessary measures to eliminate the barriers that impede the birth registration of all persons born in South African territory, including migrants and refugees. 

Recommending State: Mexico

Recommendation Accepted

Birth registration
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 2nd

South Africa

124.151. Ensure that all children are issued with a birth certificate in order to access various social services, with particular focus on children of migrants. 

124.151. Ensure that all children are issued with a birth certificate in order to access various social services, with particular focus on children of migrants. 

Recommending State: Slovakia

Recommendation Accepted

Birth registration
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 2nd


119.129 Regularly foster awareness on birth registration at national and local levels, particularly through the organization of public campaigns to highlight the importance of birth-registration. 

119.129 Regularly foster awareness on birth registration at national and local levels, particularly through the organization of public campaigns to highlight the importance of birth-registration. 

Recommending State: Uruguay

Recommendation Accepted

Birth registration