80.17. Grant citizenship to all those who live on a permanent basis in the territory of Estonia and wish to become a citizen, grant, as a mater of urgency, the right to citizenship to all children born in Estonia of so-called non-citizens, without exception, lift the prohibition on access of...
80.17. Grant citizenship to all those who live on a permanent basis in the territory of Estonia and wish to become a citizen, grant, as a mater of urgency, the right to citizenship to all children born in Estonia of so-called non-citizens, without exception, lift the prohibition on access of membership in political parties to so-called non-citizens who have permanent residency in the country and are citizens of countries which are not members of the European Union, as well as provide non-citizens the passive right to vote in municipal elections.
Recommending State: Russia
Recommendation Noted
Protection/Enjoyment of rights
Access to nationality/Naturalization
Born on territory